Locations > Baldock Manor > Radley & Oakley Wards (PICU)

Radley & Oakley Wards
Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Support for
- Those requiring a short, intense placement with rapid intervention to prevent harm to themselves or others
- Mental health disorders, including schizophrenia, personality disorders, etc. – may have a longstanding history of suicidal ideation, severe self-harm, abuse, violence, and/or exploitation from others.
- Legal status is usually Section 2 or 3

Typical stay
Approx. 60 days
Typical admission circumstances
May be admitted from home or an acute ward – multiple serious incidents have led to admission
Learning disability, pregnancy, dementia, patients requiring a medicalised detox
Key contacts
Hospital Director:
Ambrose Nyaley
Clinical Services Manager:
Yemi Doherty
Compliance & Safeguarding: Adam Trickett
- Hospital ward
- Open plan layout for easy observation
- De-escalation area
- Seclusion facility
- 16 beds (8 in each ward)
- Single occupancy
- En-suite
Baldock Manor Hospital
London Road, Baldock, Herts, SG7 6ND
Our Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (“PICU”), known as the Radley and Oakley wards, provide standout care and support for women experiencing an acutely disturbed phase of a severe mental disorder requiring rapid assessment and stabilisation. This is done through active engagement and treatment, meaning the approach is person-centred, involving the patient in decision-making and considering an individual’s unique goals and life circumstances.
To make a referral between 9 am and 5 pm, email: [email protected]
For out-of-hours referrals, telephone: 01462 491951
On Radley & Oakley Wards:
Patients supported
Women on Radley and Oakley wards may present with either a new mental health crisis or may be responding to the exacerbation of an existing mental health condition that cannot be safely managed in a general adult ward and therefore require a short, intense placement with full MDT (multi-disciplinary team) input.
All patients admitted to our PICU wards are detained under the Mental Health Act (Section 2, 3, or court diversion), often with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or personality disorder (typically EUPD). There is an associated loss of capacity for self-control with an increased risk of self-harm or risk of harming others.
Patients may have transferred from an acute setting to our PICU wards, where multiple serious incidents have required a PICU setting. That said, referrals can be made for those living in the community who present with an acute risk to themselves and/or others.
Our care
With high nursing and healthcare staff levels, our PICU wards are built in an open-plan design to ease observation and reduce risk. Although we have seclusion facilities, these are rarely used as staff are trained to recognise and prevent incidents from escalating.
A placement on Radley and Oakley wards is comprehensive with highly skilled MDT input, consisting of our Responsible Clinician and Medical Director, Dr Emanoel Ruja, our Clinical Psychologist, Dr Mareike Suesse, a wider therapies team, as well as a team of dedicated nurses, healthcare workers, and activity co-ordinators to provide around the clock, integrated support.
Person-centred approaches
- Care Programme Approach (CPA)
- START risk assessments
- Collaborative and person-centred care planning
- 1:1 nursing and keyworker sessions
- On-site advocate support (IMHA)
- Patient and family feedback
- Activities tailored to the individual’s interests
- Formulation-driven therapeutic input from our dedicated psychology & therapy team
“My daughter has spent many years in and out of care facilities in connection with her mental health. In all those mental health facilities, I /we have never felt so relieved and highly satisfied with her care. My daughter has settled well into Radley Ward and is continuing to make great improvements.
As a family, we could not be more comforted and reassured by her improvements. We feel she has finally received the care and support she has so desperately needed. In all of my daughter’s previous 13 placements, we have never come across a service better or more outstanding than Baldock Manor."Excerpt from a mother’s thank you letter, April 2021
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